Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Indiana Democratic Party funds anti-gay mailer

The Indiana Democratic Party has funded an anti-gay, anti-choice campaign mailer for state House candidate Andy Schemenaur, according to the Bilerico Project.

Messages demanding an explanation and accountability may be sent to Indiana Democratic Party Chair Dan Parker and Executive Director Jenny Hill Weiser at dparker@indems.org and jhill@indems.org.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Look familiar?

In searching Tammy Baldwin's and Barney Frank's congressional web sites for news to share here, I noticed something of minor historical interest. The graphic on the left is a map of Frank's congressional district, Massachusetts' Fourth. The graphic on the right needs no introduction to students of American history.

Bill O’Reilly goes nuts when Barney Frank corrects him

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