Thursday, April 26, 2007

Clinton's LGBT-free statement on Iowa ENDA bill

In response to the passage of the Iowa non-discrimination bill that added sexual orientation and gender identity to the state's existing ENDA (see previous post), the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton sent out this press release. Nowhere in the release do the terms "sexual orientation" , "gender identity", "gay", "lesbian", "bisexual", or "transgender" appear:


Statement from Senator Clinton on Iowa Discrimination Bill

"I applaud the Iowa State Legislature for their efforts to end discrimination and make the state more welcoming. I've supported similar legislation in the US Senate because too many Americans suffer as a result of bigotry, and I believe this legislation will help reinforce our fundamental belief in equality and justice for all. As President, I will work with Congress to echo the clear message of fairness Iowa's leaders sent today."

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