Sunday, May 27, 2007

Alabama Democrats Chair slams gay marriage

In this morning's Montgomery Advertiser, Alabama Democratic Party Chair Joe Turnham responds to attacks by his GOP counterpart by slamming gay marriage.

Referring to a visit to Alabama by Democratic National Committee Chair Howard Dean, Alabama Republican Party Chair Mike Hubbard had said:

"Every time Howard Dean opens his mouth in Alabama, it makes our state Republican Party stronger and recruits more members to our conservative cause....I encourage him to visit our state often and share his left-wing agenda with the citizens of Alabama."
In response, Mr. Turnham said that Mr. Hubbard didn't have any room to criticize, given what Mr. Turnham believes are the positions of some GOP presidential candidates:

"He has gun control in New York with Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney with gay marriage in Massachusetts....He shouldn't be taking shots at Howard Dean."
Even if Mr. Romney did support gay marriage (he opposes it), Mr. Turnham's swipe at a political figure for such putative support is noxious gay-baiting deep in the heart of Dixie. Let's hope that Mr. Turnham won't need another horrific Alabama anti-gay murder like that of Billy Jack Gaither in 1999 to remind him of the consequences of homophobia.

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